Fisk is still in MISSION---
November 2020 - More prayer shawls and prayer bears on their way to Metrowest Medical Center
June 2020 Fisk Missions update
During this time of “a new way of life” so many things have changed. Mission work is one activity that is changing—at least for the current time.
Many mission opportunities are limited, although the needs have increased. New guidelines have altered what we can do. In general, these agencies are NOT accepting “goods i.e. food, clothes etc.” due to COVID-19, but definitely need your support.
How can I help? What can we do as a church?
Answer: Most programs are asking for funding. This is the best way to help for the present time.
How or where can I donate?
Any donations may be sent directly to the program or you may send your gifts through the church. If you prefer the church route, just add the amounts to your usual offering/pledge check (or write a separate check), making sure to designate where you would like it to be sent.
Here are the addresses of just three of the places we regularly support, who are serving more people through these tough times.
Natick Service Council/Natick Food Pantry
2 Webster St. Natick MA 01760
United Methodist Economic Ministry
1458 Salem St. Salem ME 04983
UMCOR—(sent through Fisk) Designated to:
UMEM in Maine cannot accept clothes right now! I suggest if you have another way to donate clothing for this summer…do it! We will continue to collect in the Fall. NO clothes until October!
ONE EXCEPTION to the above
HYGIENE/HEALTH KITS The need is increasing locally and across the nation. Keep shopping for the 7 items (see list, UMW on pg. 5) and if you have a supply of any of the items you may leave them on my porch (8 Bacon St., Natick)…social distancing, until Fisk is open to us regularly. I delivered 95 last month and now have 26 more kits. When I have 100 I will deliver them. Marcia Hoyt
During this time of “a new way of life” so many things have changed. Mission work is one activity that is changing—at least for the current time.
Many mission opportunities are limited, although the needs have increased. New guidelines have altered what we can do. In general, these agencies are NOT accepting “goods i.e. food, clothes etc.” due to COVID-19, but definitely need your support.
How can I help? What can we do as a church?
Answer: Most programs are asking for funding. This is the best way to help for the present time.
How or where can I donate?
Any donations may be sent directly to the program or you may send your gifts through the church. If you prefer the church route, just add the amounts to your usual offering/pledge check (or write a separate check), making sure to designate where you would like it to be sent.
Here are the addresses of just three of the places we regularly support, who are serving more people through these tough times.
Natick Service Council/Natick Food Pantry
2 Webster St. Natick MA 01760
United Methodist Economic Ministry
1458 Salem St. Salem ME 04983
UMCOR—(sent through Fisk) Designated to:
- Nicaragua/Dr. Belinda Forbes or
- COVID-19 programs
- or any other program you want to support
UMEM in Maine cannot accept clothes right now! I suggest if you have another way to donate clothing for this summer…do it! We will continue to collect in the Fall. NO clothes until October!
ONE EXCEPTION to the above
HYGIENE/HEALTH KITS The need is increasing locally and across the nation. Keep shopping for the 7 items (see list, UMW on pg. 5) and if you have a supply of any of the items you may leave them on my porch (8 Bacon St., Natick)…social distancing, until Fisk is open to us regularly. I delivered 95 last month and now have 26 more kits. When I have 100 I will deliver them. Marcia Hoyt
May 2020 update
During this time of physical distancing our Mission Committee offers a few of the many organizations especially needing our help. Below are four sites where you can donate funds electronically or mail a check to the church. Their work and needs continue and actually are increasing.
Prayer Shawls and Lap blankets for Metrowest Medical Center. If you are able to knit, crochet or tie a fleece blankets, we will make arrangements to pick up and deliver your creation to those in need for comfort and healing. We've made more than 40 for patients, family and staff of Metrowest Medical Center.
UMCOR-United Methodist Committee on Relief
Last month we would have celebrated the Annual UMCOR Sunday. This is an important time to continue to fund the work being done.
Needed supplies stored at the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s Depot are being distributed to first responders in Louisiana as part of the agency’s effort to help fight the spread of the coronavirus. Coronavirus cases in Louisiana have spread faster in the first two weeks of the state's outbreak than they have in other states and countries across the world, according to news reports detailing an analysis by a University of Louisiana Lafayette professor. More than 80,000 masks in sealed and unopened cartons purchased for future use are being distributed to first responders serving communities near UMCOR Depot in LA.
The needs continue. GIVE at or a check mailed to Fisk.
We delivered 97 Hygiene Kits that were immediately distributed in the the Lowell and Lawrence area!
Family Promise
Our families are being housed in a local hotel, to avoid contact with all of us who usually are serving their meals, hosting them overnight, while sharing fellowship and friendship. Family Promise also had a Fundraiser that “did not happen.”
You can GIVE on their website or GIVE with a check mailed to Fisk. Memo-FP
United Methodist Economic Ministry
This ministry in Maine depends of the giving of many individuals on a regular schedule. The Thrift Shop is closed, as expected and they are concentrating on getting food to those families who are clients of the Food Pantry. Staff who ae paid minimum wage have been laid off and this is a very dire situation due to this COVID-19.
You can GIVE on their website or GIVE with a check mailed to Fisk
Natick Food Pantry
The Natick Food Pantry, which is one of the food sources for our neighbors in need. They are not accepting food or good at this time, but encourage donations.
You can GIVE at or a check mailed to Fisk.
The YMCA in Framingham (near BJ’s) is hosting a Day Care for children of medical staff without any other child care. They are in need of “purchased individually wrapped snacks.” You can drop them in the container by the front door (no human contact).