Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church welcomes you to its website and invites you to worship with us. Located in Natick, at 106 Walnut Street just off Route 9 East a half mile after the Route 27 intersection, Fisk Memorial UMC is an open, caring, and loving church. We invite all who are seeking a faithful and meaningful relationship with God and fellowship with other Christians to join us for Sunday worship and for Christian Education classes for adults and children.
We Are Fisk! We are active in the community. Fisk supports many outreach organizations within Natick and also sponsored the first day care center outside of Boston in 1971. Our Fall Holiday fair for Mission, on-going Bible studies, and ministry groups such as United Methodist Men and United Women in Faith and our prayer shawl ministry, are open to all. For Spiritual Growth & Reflection- September 2024
For continuous spiritual growth; even as you travel and spend time with family and friends, continue to read and reflect on the following scripture passages: September 1 -Liturgist: Amy Bruns James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 September 8- Liturgist: Geoffrey Del Sesto James 2:1-10, 11-17 Mark 7:24-37 September 15- Liturgist: Debbie Friscino James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 September 22 – Liturgist: Amy Ciccarelli DeSouza James 3:13-4:3, 7-8 Mark 9:30-37 September 29 – Liturgist TBD James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50 “Read as you study, study as you live, and live well!" + Pastor Alecia |
Mission Statement
Fisk Church is a faithful community
Drawing others to Christ Growing in our faith and trust in God Sharing God's light through prayer and witness Serving others through mission and outreach Visit our Calendar to see more about what's happening at Fisk.
Prayer Box / Prayer Wall Prayer is the master key that can open and close all doors. When you find the need to pray with the assurance that others are praying for and with you, leave a prayer in the prayer box on the front lawn of the church, on-line on our website, or just call and speak with Pastor Alecia. (617) 966-7048. If there is an additional need, join the Prayer Line: Every Wednesday, from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Dial: 1- (716) 427-1083, Access code: 580274# Remember that no one walks alone. We at Fisk UMC, are willing and ready to travel the journey with you. |
You are invited!Fisk is a vibrant christian faith community located in the Metrowest area. Small groups are at the core of Fisk's community life. There are fellowship, prayer, and bible study opportunities for people of all ages, stages and seasons of life. Sunday School classes for both children and adults are held each Sunday morning at 9:20 am, preceding the traditional worship hour. Youth programs for younger and older youth meet Sunday afternoons and occasional week nights. There are active United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men units open to all women and men of the church.
For those who live in Natick, we broadcast portions of our weekly service on the local access channel of Natick Pegasus. Or click on the Newsletter and Sermons menu for the complete local access schedule and copies of our monthly newsletter, The Messenger. Come visit us on a Sunday. We invite YOU! |
Special Events and Notices
Join us at Natick Days - September 7th! 10-3pm in the center of NAatick
Look for our booth! Extend a Friendly Fisk Hello at Natick Days
Natick Days, an annual event celebrating our Natick community, is where service organizations, youth organizations, and volunteers share information about their endeavors. Several thousand people attend each year, so we will have a booth and continue to spread the word that Fisk UMC is a welcoming presence in our community.
Natick Days, an annual event celebrating our Natick community, is where service organizations, youth organizations, and volunteers share information about their endeavors. Several thousand people attend each year, so we will have a booth and continue to spread the word that Fisk UMC is a welcoming presence in our community.
Welcome Home Luncheon - Sunday, Sept. 8
Following our worship on Sept. 8th, please join our church family to share some food and fellowship. A light meal of sandwiches, salad, and dessert will be served.
God calls us to fellowship with Jesus and with each other. Please plan to have a sandwich and take a seat. Take some time to catch up on everyone’s summer happenings and fall plans. We look forward to seeing EVERYONE!
Sponsored by the Council of Ministries
God calls us to fellowship with Jesus and with each other. Please plan to have a sandwich and take a seat. Take some time to catch up on everyone’s summer happenings and fall plans. We look forward to seeing EVERYONE!
Sponsored by the Council of Ministries
All men and women are invited to join us for dinner and a discussion on WATER-what’s in our water anyway?
Dr. Robert Wingfield, Jr. (Dorothy’s brother,) will join us via zoom to talk about his work as Director of Fisk University’s Environmental Toxics Awareness and Sustainability Program. The goal of that program is to increase community capacity to reduce exposure to toxins and build healthier communities.
While we hear about places like Flint Michigan in the news, water supplies are negatively impacted by agricultural, corporate and personal activities everywhere. In fact, the Nyanza Chemical Waste site in Ashland was one of the first superfund sites in the US. And local lakes currently have measurable levels of mercury and PFAs.
Lets talk about the challenges and see what we can do to make a difference.
Dr. Robert Wingfield, Jr. (Dorothy’s brother,) will join us via zoom to talk about his work as Director of Fisk University’s Environmental Toxics Awareness and Sustainability Program. The goal of that program is to increase community capacity to reduce exposure to toxins and build healthier communities.
While we hear about places like Flint Michigan in the news, water supplies are negatively impacted by agricultural, corporate and personal activities everywhere. In fact, the Nyanza Chemical Waste site in Ashland was one of the first superfund sites in the US. And local lakes currently have measurable levels of mercury and PFAs.
Lets talk about the challenges and see what we can do to make a difference.
Save the Date: Yard Sale for Mission -
Saturday, October 19th - 8:30 to noon
Rain or Shine!
It's the Fall Yard Sale organized by United Women in Faith! Save those good resalable items for our Yard Sale - and then stop by to browse for treasures. All proceeds go to mission projects locally in Natick and globally.
Holiday Fair - Saturday, November 16 - Call for vendors
We are looking for 6-8 more vendors to fill our space at our annual Fair. Space is just $45. For more info, email church office at [email protected]
Creation Care resources
We are pleased to introduce a new page on the Conference website devoted to resources and information on Creation Care. We also include some ways to advocate for better local, state, and national policy.(Scan the QR code to visit www.neumc.org/creationcare
On the page you’ll find energy efficiency resources and programs offered by each New England state designed to fight climate change. By taking steps to increase your energy efficiency and lower emissions, you will save money, be more comfortable, increase the value of your buildings, and help all of creation.
We are pleased to introduce a new page on the Conference website devoted to resources and information on Creation Care. We also include some ways to advocate for better local, state, and national policy.(Scan the QR code to visit www.neumc.org/creationcare
On the page you’ll find energy efficiency resources and programs offered by each New England state designed to fight climate change. By taking steps to increase your energy efficiency and lower emissions, you will save money, be more comfortable, increase the value of your buildings, and help all of creation.
Church-wide Mission Project - Hygiene Kits for UMCOR
Annually, we challenge ourselves, as a Fisk congregation, to gather 100 Health/Hygiene Kits. This year is no exception! Some years we are more successful than others. In the most recent 5 years we have delivered 394 Kits. We deliver them to either a local church depot or to the Annual Conference in June.
In 2024 we CHALLENGE our congregation to again collect 100 Health Kits to assist in relief and recovery when and where they are needed by UMCOR-United Methodist Committee on Relief.
These kits must include the exact items listed below. Please follow carefully. Maybe you and your friends, family or neighbors want to assemble kits; make it a great opportunity to get together. Click HERE for more info and list of items that make up a Health Kit..
In 2024 we CHALLENGE our congregation to again collect 100 Health Kits to assist in relief and recovery when and where they are needed by UMCOR-United Methodist Committee on Relief.
These kits must include the exact items listed below. Please follow carefully. Maybe you and your friends, family or neighbors want to assemble kits; make it a great opportunity to get together. Click HERE for more info and list of items that make up a Health Kit..
Wednesday Prayer : 6 pm
Please join your sisters and brothers at Fisk UMC by dialing in:
Dial : 716-427-1083, Access code: 580274#
We bring worship to our neighbors
After years on bringing worship on the first Wednesday to residents at Whitney Place., we will host another outreach with the support of the Caring Ministry. As we do, we will continue to be blessed to be a blessing to others; especially our older saints in nursing facilities and assisted living residence.
Thank you for your commitment to on-going stewardship that makes it possible for Pastor Alecia to be present with you and our neighbors; those who are homebound, those in nursing homes , those who are ill, those who grieve and those who are in need,
Thank you for your commitment to on-going stewardship that makes it possible for Pastor Alecia to be present with you and our neighbors; those who are homebound, those in nursing homes , those who are ill, those who grieve and those who are in need,
Our New District information:District 6-Hub #5
- Name: Commonwealth East
- Website:www.neumc.org/CE
- District Superintendent:Rev. Nizzi Santos Digan
- Address: 2600Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02421
- Email address:[email protected]
- Phone:(781)861-0249
- Email address:[email protected]
Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church