It's Time for Worship!
FISK Zoom Sanctuary
Join us via the web or phone
We will continue to offer online Zoom sanctuary options for most of our worship services.
The connection information will remain THE SAME each week.
Sunday Worship service begins at 10:30 AM
Other services start at different times
Connect a few minutes prior to start of each service.
Connect by telephone use either of these numbers.
1 646 558 8656 US
1 312 626 6799 US
Meeting ID: 994 3325 8889
IF the first number you try doesn’t connect, try the other number.
By computer, tablet, or smartphone, use this link:
Note : On a tablet or smart phone, if you have installed the Zoom APP,
simply click Join a meeting and enter in the Meeting ID : 994 3325 8889
Fisk Zoom Worship Courtesies
* Sign-in a little early to be admitted and greet others
* Please mute yourself when not speaking
* To set a worshipful tone and to minimize distraction,
you may wish to have your camera off for Worship and on for Fellowship Time
* most services will begin with a prelude and quiet reflection time