Past Mission Moments at Fisk Church
December 2016 ingathering for homeless. Filled socks to be delivered this week.
Imagine No Malaria
The ongoing collection of your gifts for IMAGINE NO MALARIA are still being received. As you can see on the bulletin board in the hallway, Fisk has a pledge of $2500.00. We are at $1000. We can do better! Can we hit the 50% level by May?
The statistics are staggering. We (you) can help change that. Our denomination, the United Methodist Church, has taken on this challenge. As a connectional church we need to do our share. Help save a life! Make a donation. Mark your check—MALARIA. Since this effort started in 2000, the death rate has been cut dramatically. Today, instead of losing a child or adult every 30 seconds, one dies every 60 seconds from this treatable and preventable disease. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is challenging the UMC with some matching funds. Thanks for your attendance and support of the “Taste of Mission” dinner. We did raise $504.00 that evening. Great work, thank you! |