Our Officers for 2022
President: Debbie Friscino,
Vice President: Terry Ames
Secretary: Pat Price
Treasurer: Sherry Culver
Education and Interpretation Marcia Hoyt
Spiritual Growth Barbara Beekman, Program Resources Amy Bruns
Membership, Nurture and Outreach Jan Townsend
Social Action Susan Carney, Nominating : Dorothy Phillips and Lois Potter
President: Debbie Friscino,
Vice President: Terry Ames
Secretary: Pat Price
Treasurer: Sherry Culver
Education and Interpretation Marcia Hoyt
Spiritual Growth Barbara Beekman, Program Resources Amy Bruns
Membership, Nurture and Outreach Jan Townsend
Social Action Susan Carney, Nominating : Dorothy Phillips and Lois Potter
UMW Archives - You'll find info about past events and activities of Fisk UMW.
Fisk Country Fair for Mission, Saturday, November 16, 2019, 9am - 2pm
Thanks to all you supported the fair this year. From the baker, the lunch makers, the shoppers, the bidders, the set-up crew and the cleanup crew - we thanks you all.. It was a great day for Mission in Natick!
Join us on Sunday, December 8th for our thank you to our Fisk faith community!
It's all for Mission in and around Natick and our into all of our global community.
Here are a few pics of the day - more to come!
Join us on Sunday, December 8th for our thank you to our Fisk faith community!
It's all for Mission in and around Natick and our into all of our global community.
Here are a few pics of the day - more to come!
Our Officers for 2019
President Susan Carney, Vice President Janis Cail, Secretary Lois Potter, Treasurer Sherry Culver
Education and Interpretation Barbara Beekman, Social Action Marcia Hoyt,
Spiritual Growth Janis Townsend, Program Resources Terry Ames
The position of Membership, Nurture and Outreach is open - could this be you?
President Susan Carney, Vice President Janis Cail, Secretary Lois Potter, Treasurer Sherry Culver
Education and Interpretation Barbara Beekman, Social Action Marcia Hoyt,
Spiritual Growth Janis Townsend, Program Resources Terry Ames
The position of Membership, Nurture and Outreach is open - could this be you?
Pictures from the County Fair for Mission November 10, 2018
God's Green Garden - Pictures from the Women's Retreat July 2018
Saturday, March 18, 2017 10am - Brunch with our UMW sisters in Wayland!
Umbrella Defense! Open Your Umbrellas to Intercept the Traffickers
United Methodist Women are called to listen to the mandate of our faith to help the vulnerable. The photo of our umbrellas will be connected to others throughout the country. We are part of the Umbrella Line of Defense around the stadium on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7, 2016. In your neighborhood, at church, in the grocery store, and at work, we are part of a circle of protection and prevention to intercept human trafficking.
For more info : http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/intercept
For more info : http://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/intercept
Christmas 2016 - Peace to one and all!
2016 Fair - we made over $5300 for mission.
Women of Fisk Huddle to Intercept Human Trafficking - we are taking a stand for Justice. More info about this important issue may be found here.
Prayer & Meditation Workshop - Feb 14, 2015
UMW Assembly - Louisville Kentucky
We are thrilled that 5 Fisk UMW attended Assembly in Louisville - April 24- 26, 2014.