Ministry Team
Our Pastor : Reverend Alecia Reeves-Freeman
January 2025 As we start another year, it is my prayer that we live with hope, share the love of God, spread joy and strive for peace in our families, churches, communities, nation, and the world. As long as I have lived, I have discovered that no one is immune to any human condition of life. Each of us have been, is going through, or will go through something that makes us feel good, bad, or ugly. But no matter what happens, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ can be renewed, nurtured, and restored. When people strive to do, and be better, lives are transformed and are touched. They become God’s presence of blessings to bless others generously. This can be vital because it is through our outreach of loving, caring, and giving that we leave a legacy behind. I believe this because, since I arrived at Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, there have been moments that each of you have taken my breath away by your thoughts, words and deeds. Therefore, as we enter another year together, not knowing what the future holds, I thank God for the year, the weather, our community of faith, our families and friends. Though, I say thanks, I have been led into deeper thanksgiving for life, health and the opportunity to live with and among you. Most of all, another year to serve as we enter challenging places, meet with challenging people, and do challenging things because I know God is still present and holds the future. Knowing that God is good, God is faithful and God will never let us go, nor give up on us, let us continue to live, learn, and listen to the Word of God as we give thanks for the good, bad and ugly times. Over the years, I have surrender that during all times, I can turn my heart to God. But, in view of all there is, and will be, let us never give up on what God can and will do through each of us and all of us together. Let us start this year by being a vital participant in God’s ministry and mission. There are many opportunities here, at Fisk UMC. Speak with someone, walk with someone and work with someone this year and the years ahead. As you speak, walk or work, know that we love you and you will always be a significant part of the Fisk UMC family. “HAPPY NEW YEAR” WITH RENEWED HOPE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, CONTINUOUS JOY AND LASTING PEACE! +Pastor Alecia If you would like to contact Pastor Alecia, simply click on the appropriate button.
Minister of Music : Dr. Americo Motta,
Administrative Assistant: Carolyn DiSciullo
Our church office is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:00 to 1pm. If you call the office (508)653-1674 or email [email protected], Carolyn will be the person who answers your call or responds to your email. She is the welcome face when you stop by, always quick to help and certainly helps our busy congregation stay connected and informed.
Carolyn has attended Fisk United Methodist Church most of her life. She is happy to be serving the Church and congregation in the role of administrative assistant. She has a great love for Fisk United Methodist Church and for Fisk's congregation! |