On Thursday, March 9 and Maundy Thursday, April 13, join us for s simple supper of Soup and Bread. Supper starts at 6:30pm Lenten Bible Study led by Pastor Alecia
"The Humanity of Christ" Thursdays during Lent starting on March 9th through April 6th, 7pm March 1, Ash Wednesday, 7pm
You are invited into a time of reflection in the sanctuary. Come and feel forgiven as we start the season of Lent. During the service there will be imposition of ashes for those who wish to partake. Lenten Workshop for ALL!
Holy Week and Easter
April 9 Palm Sunday, 10:30am worship Processional with palms and song April 13 Maundy Thursday Our Lenten study series ends with soup & bread supper. After that time, we will spend time together with scriptures and meditations. It will be a one in a life-time experience as we end with celebration and a reenactment of the Last Supper. Please join us at 6:30pm April 14 Good Friday 12:noon to 3pm - Prayer Vigil in the Sanctuary, A time of scripture, meditation and music. This is an opportunity to focus on Jesus’ last hours. This is not a service. All are invited to stop in for a few minutes or for as long as you wish April 16 SUNRISE Service : 6:00am followed by pancake breakfast. flyer April 16 Easter Sunday 10:30 AM Worship Pictures from Palm Sunday
Sermon Series during Lent
Come and worship with us during the Season of Lent to hear the word as Pastor Alecia shares her newly created series with us on, “The Humanity of Jesus Christ” because whatever we have experienced, are experiencing, Jesus Christ has. Come and listen in new ways.
The series is as follows:
Sunday, March 5 : “Jesus experienced disappointment & sadness”
Sunday, March12 : “Jesus experienced tiredness & loneliness”
Sunday, March 19 : “Jesus experienced Anger & frustration”
Sunday, March 26 : “Jesus experienced suffering and pains”
Sunday, April 2 : “Jesus experienced love and empathy”
Sunday, March 5 : “Jesus experienced disappointment & sadness”
Sunday, March12 : “Jesus experienced tiredness & loneliness”
Sunday, March 19 : “Jesus experienced Anger & frustration”
Sunday, March 26 : “Jesus experienced suffering and pains”
Sunday, April 2 : “Jesus experienced love and empathy”