Images of Easter at Fisk UMC April 2015
Easter Flowers - click here for mail-in form.
Lent and Easter Opportunities and Resources
Lent. This is a time to reflect on and return to God's call to us to love God and neighbor with equal strength and commitment. Come and see the goodness of God at Fisk
Holy Week Services and Events
Palm Sunday - March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday Parade - 10am
Palm Sunday Worship - 10:30
Maundy Thursday - April 2, 2015, 6pm
Pot Luck dinner with an integrated service
Good Friday Vigil - April 3, 2015, 12-3pm
Saturday, April 4, 2015, 10-12noon
3rd Annual Community-wide Easter Egg Hunt - for ages 2-7
Easter - April 5, 2015
Easter Service, April 5, 2015, 10:30am
Palm Sunday Parade - 10am
Palm Sunday Worship - 10:30
Maundy Thursday - April 2, 2015, 6pm
Pot Luck dinner with an integrated service
Good Friday Vigil - April 3, 2015, 12-3pm
Saturday, April 4, 2015, 10-12noon
3rd Annual Community-wide Easter Egg Hunt - for ages 2-7
Easter - April 5, 2015
Easter Service, April 5, 2015, 10:30am
Ash Wednesday Service - February 18, 2015 at 7pm
Soup and Bread Suppers during Lent
We gather for supper each Wednesday … February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18 and March 25. Come at 6:00pm for a simple supper. There will be a choice of soups and breads followed by an optional Lenten Study, led by Pastor Xia. We will conclude by 7:30pm for children to get home. Child Care during the study time provided. No cost. Put these dates on your calendar and plan to deepen your Lenten experience! Join the fellowship of our Fisk congregation. Bring a friend…great opportunity to introduce someone to the experience and meaning of Lent. |