My Lenten Journey
It begins with ...
Ash Wednesday Service - February 14, 2014 at 7pm
followed by ...
Experience a new form of Worship
following Soup & Bread suppers, Wednesdays during Lent

The Worship Team of Fisk is designing some new and inspiring opportunities for you to journey through Lent, beginning on March 5 with our Ash Wednesday service. Each Wednesday evening following, until Holy Week, Fisk will host a simple supper of soup followed by a thirty minute worship service in the style of Taize’. What is Taize’? First, it is a community in southern France that has become a place of pilgrimage for youth and the young at heart from all over the world. Here, a style of worship now called Taize’ has evolved. It is a simple service of scripture, prayer and silence, beginning and ending with rhythmic singing that draws us closer to the love and peace of God’s Holy Spirit. It is an invitation to a deeper listening for God.
Childcare available during this special worship experience. No reservation needed - just come and join us!
Childcare available during this special worship experience. No reservation needed - just come and join us!
Tickets for your Lenten Journey
Experience Lent through Sunday Worship that is inspiring and meaningful. Our journey will take us through the 40 days of Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter. We hope you will plan to join us for Sunday morning worship as well as for the special worship opportunities during Lent and Holy Week, March 5 – April 20, 2014.
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