MYF Retreat 2014
30 Hour Famine - April 2013
A weekend of fasting, learning, service by our youth group. Activities included service projects for the church as well as learning more about hunger in our world. The banner of 8000 fingerprints represent the 8000 people who die each day of hunger related causes.
MYF on Retreat in Harrison, Maine - February 2013
Archived MYF Events and Pictures
Mission Trip - June 2012

Fisk Youth head to New Jersey!
Fisk youth have returned from their mission trip with UMARMY (United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission by Youth) They traveled to New Jersey to work on a variety of projects including yard work, painting, window and door repair, handrails, stairs and construction of handicapped access ramps.
Check the MYF Blog for details and reflections from our youth.
Check the MYF Blog for details and reflections from our youth.